Kelly Farley

Author - Speaker - Coach - Grieving Dad







Kelly Farley

Author - Speaker - Coach - Grieving Dad


Kelly Farley

Author - Speaker - Coach - Grieving Dad



I want to hear your story.

Losing a child is one of the most difficult things a person can go through, and it's important to know that you're not alone. Sharing your story can help you process your emotions and find support from others who have been through similar experiences.

I understand that the pain of losing a child can be hard to put into words, but your story is important and deserves to be told.

Feel free to share your story with me.


If you have ever loved a child, then you understand what it’s like to love someone more than you love life itself. If you have ever lost a child, then you understand more about hell than anyone could possibly be expected to know. This isn’t something you get over. Only those who have lost a child can understand the depths to which this pain travels. Like most of the men who will read these books, I too am a grieving dad.

The message I want bereaved fathers to understand is that I know it’s hard, I know it hurts, I know it’s scary — but you can get through this. You can survive. It will be the hardest thing you will ever experience; it will drain you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can come out on the other side of this very long and lonely tunnel, but you will be a different person when you do. There is no going back to the old you.

You also need to know that you are not alone in your grief. Other men have been through this and that the emotions they keep inside are the same emotions all of us experience, even if we don't talk about them. The best thing you can do is to reach out for help and to know it is not a sign of “weakness” to do so. Instead, it’s a sign of courage and strength — the kind that’s required to face this battle head on.



He Lost His Baby Too

Survival Guide for the Grieving Dad

This book was written specifically for fathers grappling with the unbearable aftermath of losing a baby. It is all too easy for a bereaved father to succumb to a haunting sense of isolation after such a loss. However, within these pages lies a lifeline—a survival guide infused with wisdom, providing a roadmap through the complicated path of grief.

In the wake of a tragic loss—whether it be a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or the untimely passing of an infant—this invaluable resource unravels the layers of anguish that overwhelm grieving fathers. Written by a grieving dad, this book offers unflinching honesty and poignant insight, it also delves into the raw pain that accompanies such a profound loss, assuring these men that their emotions, however overwhelming, are both valid and shared by others who have walked a similar path.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.



He Lost His Baby Too

Survival Guide for the Grieving Dad

This book was written specifically for fathers grappling with the unbearable aftermath of losing a baby. It is all too easy for a bereaved father to succumb to a haunting sense of isolation after such a loss. However, within these pages lies a lifeline—a survival guide infused with wisdom, providing a roadmap through the complicated path of grief.

In the wake of a tragic loss—whether it be a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or the untimely passing of an infant—this invaluable resource unravels the layers of anguish that overwhelm grieving fathers. Written by a grieving dad, this book offers unflinching honesty and poignant insight, it also delves into the raw pain that accompanies such a profound loss, assuring these men that their emotions, however overwhelming, are both valid and shared by others who have walked a similar path.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.

Grieving Dads - book cover - final files

Grieving Dads

To the Brink and Back

A collection of candid stories from grieving dads that were interviewed over a two-year period. The book offers insight from fellow members of, in the haunting words of one dad, “this terrible, terrible club,” which consists of men who have experienced the death of a child. This book is a collection of survival stories by men who have survived the worst possible loss and lived to tell the tale.

They are real stories that pull no punches and are told with brutal honesty. Men that have shared their deepest and darkest moments. Moments that included thoughts of suicide, self-medication, and homelessness. Some of these men have found their way back from the brink, while others are still standing there, stuck in their pain. The core message of Grieving Dads is “you’re not alone.” It is a message that desperately needs to be delivered to grieving dads who often grieve in silence due to society’s expectations.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.


!FINAL - Workbook - Grieving Dads_Cover

Grieving Dads

A Workbook

This workbook can be used individually or in a group setting. The workbook follows the same outline and was designed to be a tool that helps the reader process key points highlighted in the original Grieving Dads: To the Brink book.

Once you start the workbook, I encourage you to stick with it until the end. The process will be tough at times, so know that going in. You will have to dig deep, learn to be transparent, and surrender. Tell your story, your whole story. I am very happy that you found this workbook and are willing to give it a try. There is no judgment in what you have to say. Anyone that has had to walk this path understands that to be the truth. We are all just trying to get through it the best we can. My hope is that this workbook will help you get to the next level of healing.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.

Grieving Dads - book cover - final files

Grieving Dads

To the Brink and Back

A collection of candid stories from grieving dads that were interviewed over a two-year period. The book offers insight from fellow members of, in the haunting words of one dad, “this terrible, terrible club,” which consists of men who have experienced the death of a child. This book is a collection of survival stories by men who have survived the worst possible loss and lived to tell the tale.

They are real stories that pull no punches and are told with brutal honesty. Men that have shared their deepest and darkest moments. Moments that included thoughts of suicide, self-medication, and homelessness. Some of these men have found their way back from the brink, while others are still standing there, stuck in their pain. The core message of Grieving Dads is “you’re not alone.” It is a message that desperately needs to be delivered to grieving dads who often grieve in silence due to society’s expectations.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.

!FINAL - Workbook - Grieving Dads_Cover

Grieving Dads

A Workbook

This workbook can be used individually or in a group setting. The workbook follows the same outline and was designed to be a tool that helps the reader process key points highlighted in the original Grieving Dads: To the Brink book.

Once you start the workbook, I encourage you to stick with it until the end. The process will be tough at times, so know that going in. You will have to dig deep, learn to be transparent, and surrender. Tell your story, your whole story. I am very happy that you found this workbook and are willing to give it a try. There is no judgment in what you have to say. Anyone that has had to walk this path understands that to be the truth. We are all just trying to get through it the best we can. My hope is that this workbook will help you get to the next level of healing.


Orders of 10 books or more are eligible for bulk rate discount. All bulk order inquires should email or call for further details.

  • Kelly Farley

    “Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back is FABULOUS. Thank you for having the courage to write it.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back is more than I ever thought; simply the best book I have ever read on grief for men.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back helped me so much, it reminded me of so much, and it gave me comfort. The only kind of comfort that works! Thank you for what you are doing. I am SO sorry that you had to go through what you did to become the life force that rescues me from “The GREAT SADNESS,” but I am so grateful you are there.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “Thank you so much for writing Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back and sharing your experience and that of others. I joined the club just over a year ago. You've inspired me to reach out to a professional, and I now have an appointment for next week.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “I have read many books on grief and healing and they have all been very touching and helpful. But, Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back really hit home for me.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “I would like to say thank you for your website and book. I live in a small rural town in Victoria, Australia, and have found it extremely difficult to access resources specifically targeted at dads. I came across your book and then the website a little over 12 months ago and have found it a blessing.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “I just wanted to say that I started reading Grieving Dads last night, and even though I'm barely into it, I must say you hit the nail on the head. Yes, each circumstance of losing a child is unique, and you have already given me insight as to how different dads react.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “Thank you for putting your life and emotions in print. I already have a list of grieving dads with whom I will be sharing.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “I received your book this morning and read it from cover to cover. I am a health professional trying to support a family who have tragically recently lost a child. I think it is the perfect resource for me to share with my very quiet, buttoned up, supportive of his wife, gentle giant of a Dad whom I have been so concerned for.”

  • Kelly Farley

    “Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back has helped me to understand that what I’m feeling and going through is “normal” in the sense that most dads feel this, and it’s scary how some of the items discussed in the book are exactly what I have been through.”

NBC Today Video - Grieving Dads


Simplero Mobile

On-Line Course

I've learned a lot about survival since the death of my children. This course will provide insight and help you do the same.


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Not only do I understand the impact of losing a child, I’ve lived it and survived it. Work with me one-on-one.


Simplero Mobile (2)


It is important for me to share my knowledge and experience with grieving parents and those who work with them every day.



Simplero Mobile

On-Line Course

I learned a lot about survival in the years after the death of my children. My story empowers and inspires.


Simplero Mobile (1)


Not only do I understand the impact of losing a child, I’ve lived it and survived it.


Simplero Mobile (2)


It is important for me to share my knowledge and experience with grieving parents and caregivers.



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